Review Article
Critical Review of the 2013 ACC-AHA Guideline on the Treatment of Blood Cholesterol to Lower Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Risk in Adults
Volume 3, Apr 2014
Prabhjot Singh Nijjar, MD, Manish Bansal, MD, DNB, Ravi R Kasliwal, MD, DM, Gurgaon, India; Daniel Duprez, MD, PhD, Minneapolis, USA
Background: The new lipid guidelines were published late last year, and were immediately the subject of intense controversy. Cardiologists in general tend to be an opinionated lot, but the hue and cry in response to these guidelines was unprecedented. These were updated after a period of 11 years, and were far reaching in their conclusions. As with all such important documents, they will likely have a significant impact on the way we practice medicine. Here, we try to distill the lengthy document to some take-home points for the busy readers of this Journal, touching on the evidence-base for the recommendations and the controversies surrounding them. (J Clin Prev Cardiol. 2014;3(2):43-8)
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