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Review Article
Development of Comprehensive, e-Health Platform for the Prevention and Management of Non-communicable Diseases
Volume 4, Apr 2015
Gundu H. R. Rao, Prashanth T. Rao , Minnesota, USA
According to recent observations, healthcare systems in India effectively cater to only 10% of the population and the remaining population has limited use of this system. It is high time that India collectively develops a system of healthcare that is acceptable, accessible, and affordable to all. India is considered the Global Hub of Information Technology (IT), yet when we look at the deployment of this technology in the delivery or management of healthcare in this country, we find that India is nowhere close to optimal. Healthcare organizations, by and large, are working to redefine the value and success in three key areas of their service: building sustainable healthcare systems, collaborating to improve quality and outcomes, and increasing consumer access and personalized care. Whenever there is talk of providing access to the community at large in India, it becomes evident, that it is increasingly beneficial and meaningful, to take these developments to the level of villages or “taluks” rather than, try to send the professionals and build the needed infrastructure for healthcare delivery in these areas. Having said that, a discussion is needed to illuminate the current challenges to such a system, the need for such a system, and finally how a system could be developed, both in India and the US, given the current state of knowledge, infrastructure, human resources, and capital.Volume 4, Number 2, Pages: 32-41
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Print: ISSN: 2250-3528