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Primum Non-Nocere – Are We Helping or Hurting Patients with Borderline Abnormalities with Aggressive Drug Therapies in the Name of Prevention?

Volume 1, Jul 2012

Roger White, MD, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

For centuries medical students have been taught “Primum non-nocere” or translated “Do no harm.” The cornerstone to preventive medical care is to prevent problems as much as possible so as to enhance people’s quality of  life and improve longevity. Yet, with our aggressive pharmacological intervention in patients with borderline problems are we doing more harm than good? 

Illnesses that are the result of lifestyle excesses are the particular focus for pharmacological treatments. In the modern world we eat too much, sit too much, and worry too much! This leads to common problems of obesity,
diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemias, osteoporosis, and just plain mental lethargy. Because people want quick fixes to their problems they see doctors to get pills and have procedures.   
Volume 1, Number 3, Pages: 141-3

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